Welcome to Odisha State Seed Corporation Ltd.
The Company was incorporated on 24th February, 1978 with the main objective of production of certified seeds and marketing it at reasonable price to the farmers involving Dealers and PACS/LAMPS through DBT with effect from Kharif-2016 season onwards.
In order to achieve this the Company organizes seed production programmes through seed growers at various places in the State of Odisha under “MO BIHANA YOJANA”
The management of the Company is vested in the Board of Directors who are nominated by the State Govt., National Seeds Corporation (NSC Ltd.) and growers. The Chairman and Managing Director of the Company are also representative of the Govt. of Odisha.
Odisha State Seeds Corporation Ltd., popularly known by its brand name “ORISEED” is one of the leading State Seeds Corporation among all State Seed Corporations in India serving in the larger interest of farmers from three decades with farmer’s faith brand loyalty, quality assurance, dedicated service and sustainable contribution for up liftment of farmers with Glorious achievements.
OSSC is the nodal agency of the Government of Odisha for undertaking the seed production and supply of seeds inside the State and functioning under the administrative control of Agriculture and farmers empowerment Department, Government of Odisha.. The Corporation has own awards from the National Productivity council of India for its seed production activities.
The Corporation has its presence in all the thirty districts of the State of Odisha to cater the seed requirement of farmers of the State.
- To implement for State seed Project forming part of National Seeds Programme in accordance with the arrangements between international Development Agency/ International Bank for Reconstruction and Development , Govt of India, National Seeds Corporation Ltd, Govt of Odisha and the Company or between any two or more of them.
- To undertake Production of Certified seeds of those crops and varieties which come under purview of Seed Act and also quality seeds of other kinds and varieties
- To process Certified seeds on scientific and commercial lines.
- To install, manage and operate Processing Plants and seed storage facilities.
- To make arrangement and supply of foundation seeds to growers-share holders through arrangement with NSC for varieties of all India and regional importance and through other agencies for local varieties.
- To undertake distribution of seeds to farmers at reasonable prices and in sufficient quantities to support Agricultural Production Programme